इंटरनेट के फायदे और नुकसान Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet in Hindi, internet ke fayde aur nukasaan

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  1. Hello sir my self Harsh kumar from jaunpur. Thank you very much for your help from Internet essay. Simple and best for every students.

  2. Hello sir/mam, This essay has helped me so much. Because of this, I have learned a lot about the Internet and I will follow this information too.

  3. That’s nice… Very short and helpful.. It contains very useful points…………… According to me it is very useful for junior classes but not for senior classes … Otherwise it is very good…….

  4. It is a good advantage s Nd disadvantages it helps us to know about disadvantages of internet especially..

  5. It helped me very much I had an essay competition and I got first price in it thanks a lot for helping us learn more.